Everyone tells you that time flies and i'm really starting to realize that as I get older. I just entered what most would call their late 20's and it seems like I graduated from University just yesterday. I remember a close family friend telling me that my University years would be some of the best of my life and he was right. I think that life slows down a bit once you get into the working world, your priorities shift and you no longer crave partying and staying up late. Now i'm more concerned about how well the grass in the back yard is growing and what I can do to keep it green!
A lot has changed for me in the past year with the purchase of our first house, the explosion of my instagram account and continued success at my day to day job. I feel that for the first time i'm looking forward to the future instead of only living in the moment. I'm not sure if this is good or bad i'm going to make sure thatI continue to travel and see places that I've never seen before because that is what makes me happy. I really appreciate everyone following along as it allows me to continually create new content for my account as well as this new blog. Here are a few of my favourite looks from 2015:
We started off 2015 with a trip to NYC. I absolutely love this city and because of that have booked anther trip for the first weekend in February!
Thoroughly enjoyed this look. I stole the idea from a local menswear store called Harry Rosen. I hope you guys like it!
This is about the time that my IG account really started to take off. I created what has become my signature "chestie" and the rest is... history.
One of the first companies I worked with was Bows N Ties, they have been excellent to work with and have definitely helped me get to where I am now. This was one of the first ties I picked out of their catalogue.
Next came the first Sprezzabox I received. One of the first companies to really help me out and get my name out there. I still get super excited ever month one my box arrives in the mail. There's just something about being surprised that doesn't get old.
I think this might be one of my favourite looks from the year. Sometimes I pick out a shirt and tie combo and I absolutely love it but it will flop on Instagram. There's other days that I'll pick something unenthusiastically and then it'll garner a huge amount of likes. There definitely is no real science to what people like and what they don't.
I think the biggest thing for me this year was creating higher quality images. I've learned a lot about lighting and angles this year and j hope that has come through in the recent months.
This shot is from the first real collaboration I did with Indochino. I was tasked with snapping some shots in Toronto for their My Suit, My City, My Style campaign.
MVMT Watches has also really helped me out this year, this is one of my favourite shots I did for them in 2015.
One of my best trips this year was to Nova Scotia. I had never been to the East Coast of Canada and finally made it out there. This photo was taken in Prospect NS.
One of my favourite flatlay photos I took this year. I absolutely love the colour and texture in this picture.
My vote for lighting of the year goes to this one. Sometimes you find the perfect light, this was one of those times.
Last but not least my most liked outfit of the year.
I hope everyone had an excellent 2015 and that 2016 will be even better. Cheers!